Appril Festival 2018 is a wrap. On 11, 12 and 13 April 2018, with a conference in B-Amsterdam, and lots of activities on several locations in Amsterdam, the 6th edition of Appril Festival was vibrant as ever!
About the theme ‘its getting serious now’
Although it’s already our 6th edition, we only now have chosen the theme ‘its getting serious now’. This deserves some explanation.
The early adopters and front-runner brands may have had a shiny app in the store as soon as the iPhone was released 10 years ago. And build upon this first mover advantage by making their app their primary channel. But for most companies and brands, if they even had an app, is was seen as a toy for marketing, something nice on the side to experiment with but not as a very serious channel.
Today, mobile is bigger than ever. We spend a mind-blowing 4 hours a day on our smartphone, and of that mobile time we spend around 90% in apps. Apps, when well designed, still provide consumers with a superior user experience. And this pays out in value for the company behind the app. So, we see more and more major Dutch brands joining the app party.
Mobile is serious now, it is the primary channel, and not something for on the side. And because the app market is maturing, you cannot goof around anymore. Experimentation time is over. When you enter the app market you need to do it right, or you will fail. Its serious business now, hence the theme of this year’s Appril Festival!
App research
Creating an app from design to launch is not childsplay, it takes serious management focus, resourcing, and budget. And not all decision makers are aware of this. They highly underestimate the costs of building an app. How we know this? We’ve done some research! Appril has conducted two app research studies in cooperation with RuigRok NetPanel. You can read more about this research here.
Appril in the media
The festival is just wrapped up, but here you can already read some more in the news about it!
- FrankNews with a nice article + video!
- About the App Journathan, organised by Pinch.
- Siliconcanals
Next Appril event – Dutch App Awards
Yes, there will be a real Dutch App Award! Of course, I will be part of the jury, so send in only your outstanding app work ;-). Stay tuned via deze website.
More to follow, but here some nice shots from our opening:

Appril festival 2018 BLINKfotografie

Appril festival 2018 BLINKfotografie

Appril festival 2018 BLINKfotografie

Appril festival 2018 BLINKfotografie
More to follow, but here’s already one:
Big thanks to our sponsors
No event without sponsors. A very big thank you shout-out to:
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